All you need to know about locks and picking them

Han Fey

Dom Dimple Locks


Here is a quick view on 2 Dom locks I got

The top lock is  a Dom ix 5 HT  (Hope I’m not wrong)

The lower one is Dom ix 10 ,those are very good locks made in Germany

The Dom ix 5 is very interesting  as it got a sort of a trap pin and since it’s a very old lock I guess this is where the idea came from

Also it has one of the most nastiest  bottom pins I’ve ever seen!

Those pins have 2 rounds that can move inside of  them (like a brasless)

The ix 5 lock contains 5 pins and 5 side pins

 Here is the back of the plug with the other side pins,those pins will not effect picking but  they are great for master keying .

I did managed to bump this lock a while back though

The other Dom lock is the ix 10 which looks very hard to pick.

The  ix 10 contains 10 pins which are divided into 2 very close rows

The pins are rounded to the shape of the plug

Also there is plate cover on the other side of the plug which I belive is there so the plug can rotate smoother

Here are 2 of the bottom pins

I can safely say that the best way to pick this lock is via foil picking ,only trouble I see is the extracting of the key after,also the low pins might get overset (they would look like pin number 5)

I will try to test a few different methods with those fantastic locks ,will  keep you posted

For much more information I would advise to read Han fey’s fantastic articles about Dom locks